
We serve seniors who want to keep living their life to the fullest. Freedom Showers and Freedom Lift Systems can help seniors maintain their lifestyle and stay living at home as long as they want.

Along with grab bars and other helpful accessibility products, we help you keep your independence. Safer homes make for happier, healthier living.  It’s also important to keep moving your body as much as you can, and to exercise your mind as well.

Follow Freedom Blog for tips and ideas for universal design, and creating an adaptable environment at home. Retain a healthy and youthful lifestyle.

Seniors are Taking Over Canada

Seniors are Taking Over Canada

We knew it was coming, but now we know for sure. Seniors are taking over Canada. 16.9% of Canada's population is 65 or older compared to 16.6% of children 14 and younger. The senior population is growing quickly and expected to continue.   From 2011-2016, Canada...

65 or Older? Better Get Moving

65 or Older? Better Get Moving

While there is no miracle cure for aging, doctors and experts agree that there is a proven way to slow the aging process. Physical activity has been proven to be the best way to stay young longer and to age more healthfully. Regular physical activity helps prevent...

6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Young

6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Young

Everyone ages. People will tell you “it’s part of life," which is true, but not entirely reassuring. Truth is, aging can be incredibly frightening. First, we notice our bodies can’t do the things they used to be able to. Stairs we once climbed two steps at a time...

7 Benefits of Owning Pets for Seniors

"No outfit is complete without a little cat hair." "Dogs aren't our whole lives, but they make our lives whole." I could go on and on with famous quotes about our furry friends, there's no shortage of love and you can't go more than a few minutes on the internet...