Welcome to Freedom! An Accessible & Senior Lifestyle Blog

April 6, 2016 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

Welcome! It’s so great to meet you. We are the Freedom-ites and this is the first post of our brand new blog. We are so glad you dropped by. You might be wondering a couple of things:

It’s good to ask questions, and though we might be strangers now, we hope to be friends soon! So please stick around and let us introduce ourselves. Find out what we can do for YOU!

Our mission is simple: to enhance the lives of our readers and clients.

Our content is made for people of all abilities, but if you are a senior, live with a mobility disability, or a loved one of yours falls in one of those categories (so everyone!), you will find the Freedom Blog particularly helpful.

Who Are We?

See that photo up at the top? The one with 10 smiles wearing their Freedom gear? That’s us! It’s not me (I took the picture). My name is Ryan. Hayley (the Freedom-ite on the top right) and I are your Freedom Blog guides. We create the content and also find experts in the accessible and senior lifestyle universe to create original content to share with you on the Freedom Blog.

Since 2006, we’ve helped thousands of clients create safe and accessible spaces. Our roll-in showers, walk-in bathtubs, wheelchair lifts, kitchen lifts, and other accessible accessories (← tongue twister) can be found all over North America. You can find us in your neighbours’ home, your workplace, NBA stadiums, recreation halls, the Softball Hall of Fame, we even dream of one day building the first handicap accessible bathroom on Mars!

But enough about the many ways we help our clients live safer, more independent, and happier lives. You are here about our blog! Let us tell you why we have launched it.

Why are we blogging about Senior Lifestyle?

We turned 10 this year, and over the past decade we have met some amazing people from inspiring backgrounds. The majority of our clients fall into three categories:

  1. Individuals living with mobility difficulties (i.e., seniors, veterans, physically disabled, etc.)
  2. Loved ones of individuals living with mobility disabilities (i.e., spouses, children, parents, caregivers, etc.)
  3. Leaders in the community who want to make their space accessible for others (i.e., business owners, schools, religious organizations, community centres, etc.)

We have learned so much from our clients, and after a decade in the industry we have gathered A LOT of knowledge. Knowledge that would be helpful for our senior, mobility disabled, and caregiver clients. Our passion is helping all individuals lead independent and healthy lives. We do this daily by making accessible spaces with our products, but we want to take it one step further. And so we have created the Freedom Bloga site dedicated to sharing relevant, engaging, and original content that enhances the lives of our readers and clients.

What will we be blogging about?

We are so excited to share our decade of experience and knowledge with you, here is just a glimpse of the type of  lifestyle and accessible advice topics you can expect:

We are so excited to share, and even more excited for you to leave here with useful, impacting knowledge to apply to your life, or use if you’re ever on Jeopardy.

How can you get in touch with us?

You could come North and visit our HQ in Canada. But if that’s too cold for you we understand. Luckily there are many ways to get in touch with us!

        1. Visit our Contact Us page and send us a confidential message
        2. Or just email us directly at blog@accessibilitypro.com
        3. Don’t be afraid to comment on our blog posts, including THIS one! We encourage you to share your tips, experiences, or let us know what topic you’d like to see on the Freedom Blog
        4. If you are interested in making your home or space more accessible you can visit one of our Freedom product sites:
        5. If you need advice on our Accessible Products please call toll-free:   1-877-947-7769
        6. And how could we forget Social Media

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P.S. We’d love to meet you on Twitter here or on Facebook here

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